2 Reptile phrynosoma with semen pruni armeniacae and pork soup



  • Reptile phrynosoma 1 pair,
  • pork 4 liang or 30 grams
  • north and south semen pruni armeniacae each 3 qian or 10 grams,
  • pericarpium citri reticulatae (Chenpi) one small piece,
  • ginger 1-2 slices,
  • small amount of salt
Method of cooking:


  1.  Take a pair of dry reptile phrynosoma, cut off the head and the nail tips, save the skin, meat and tail. Tear it into small parts and clean with water. Soak it in warm water for a while and discard the water.
  2. Clean the pork with water as well as the semen pruni armeniacae. Soak pericarpium citri reticulatae (Chenpi) in water.
  3. Put all materials into a stewing pot, add adequate amount of boiling water and stew for 2 to 3 hours. Add a small amount of salt when eating.


  1. Reptile phrynosoma has a sweet and salty taste, moderate character; it can supplement lung qi and assist kidney yang, stabilize asthma and cough, refresh yang and promote essence and blood.
  2. Pork nourishes yin and strengthens muscle, lubricates intestines and replenishes stomache; it is also rich in nutrition.
  3. Semen pruni armeniacae stops coughing, lowers qi and calms asthma, lubricates intestines and relaxes the bowls.
Suitable for:


Shortness of breath and asthma, cough and stagnation of qi, fullness of chess and ribs, deficiency of yin and abundance of fire, deficiency of bothqi and blood, impotence and seminal emission.