(11) Treatment using traditional Chinese medicine is the best way to fine down for hepatic edema (secondary obesity) patient

In order to cure hepatic edema and secondary obesity, the first thing is to determine whether the patient has hepatitis. It is not difficult to diagnose hepatitis. Once a patient is found with abnormal obesity which is supervened with the symptoms of chronic hepatitis, it would be advisable for him to consult a doctor and go through some further examination. Doctors who are well trained doctors can easily find if the liver boundary of the patient is enlarged – by looking, touching, percussing, and listening constitution examination, particularly, by percussion over the hepatic region. If necessary, a patient may also take an ultrasonic test and blood test to help further diagnoses. But what you should realize is that negative assay does not indicate that you have no chronic hepatitis as the current assays are only limited to hepatitis A and B antigens. These tests can only be a source of reference for a doctor and the eventually the doctor’s diagnosis is far more conclusive.

Although there is no specific medicine for curing chronic hepatitis now, much of western and traditional Chinese medicines have apparent effect on chronic hepatitis by stopping the further development of hepatitis. It is regarded as having effected clinic cure if chronic hepatitis transform into an inactive stage. So, active treatment of chronic hepatitis is the only way to eliminate hepatic edema (secondary obesity). At least, it can prevent the hepatic edema (secondary obesity) from further development.

In practice, we usually treat patients with use three parcels of traditional Chinese medicine in order to resume the normal liver boundary and a period of 4-6 weeks is demanded for further treatment in order to have an effect of clinically cured.